Brothers: 2000s

Initiated January of 2000

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Carrie Lynn Woehler K Benjamin Yuusuke Tripp ME Kaos 2001
Benjamin Michael Philips Pynk Benjamin Alexander Hofelich CS Kaos 2001
Jeffrey Michael Kwasha Kwashie Lawrence Ari Fine CS Foos 2002
Heather Anne Burns Lucky Big Brother Foos 2002
Amelia Genevieve Vogel Jolt William Thomas Moss BIO Foos 2002
Michael Del Powell Stickman Jonathan Michael Chaffin CompE Kaos 2003
Matthew Leonard Simpson Maui Samuel Lee Hall CompE Foos 2003

Initiated January of 2001

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Robert Warwick Bury-Rodrigues, II Rob, Cag Michael Del Powell MGMT Kaos 2002
Jennifer Mary Roper Otter Lawrence Ari Fine CS Foos 2003
Nigel Joseph O’Rear Huey Bejamin Yuusuke Tripp CS Kosmos 2004
Chad Martin Hansen Suck the Foam Benjamin Michael Phillips CompE Kaos 2004
Walter Andrew Stevens Drew David Thomas Eger CS Kaos 2004
Samuel Havris Smith Cindy Oliver Pierre Bojarski MATH Black Lung 2004
Jon-David Langeland Louey Amelia Genevieve Vogel CS Sonic 2004
Philip Leslie Wharton, Jr. Dodger Matthew Leonard Simpson CompE Foos 2005

Initiated of May 2001

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Louis Eusebio Stavrides Thorn Paul Henry Travis CS Sonic 2001
Brian Toupal Devlin-Meagher Paul Henry Travis CS Sonic 2003
Hammad Tahir Khan David Thomas Eger EE Kaos 2004
Ian Ashley Port Gobbo, One Eye Jeffrey Michael Kwasha CS Foos 2004

Initiated January of 2002

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Jeffrey David Crider Six Walter Andrew Stevens CS Kaos 2002
John Wesley Woehler QJ Ross Alan Meltz CS Foos 2003
Michael Grosse Huelsewiesche Moogle Michael Del Powell CS Kaos 2004
George Freeman Goodyear Pants Carrie Lynn Woehler ME Kaos 2005
Christopher David Landry Blue Ball Nigel O’Rear CS Kaos 2005

Initiated May of 2002

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Sarah Rebecca Robertson Froggie Michael Del Powell MGMT Kaos 2004
Sean Michael Caulfield Jeffrey Michael Kwasha CS Foos 2005
Justin David Melvin Squeeze-Cheese David Thomas Eger CS MATH 2005
Richard Joseph Roberts Dickbob Hammad Tahir Khan CS Kaos 2005

Initiated February of 2003

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Michael Lorenz Mitchell DigDug Michael Grosse Huelsewiesche CS Kaos 2003
Alan Jacob Stoll Sparky Jennifer Mary Roper CS Foos 2004
Walter John Langendorf Hammad Tahir Khan CS Kaos 2004
Lester Adam Wilhelm, II Les Walter Andrew Stevens CS Kaos 2004
Lisa Nicole Jordan Nigel Joseph O’Rear CS Kaos 2005
Christopher Thomas Angell Angel Ian Ashley Port PHYS Foos 2003

Initiated September of 2003

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Corey Alan Slate William Thomas Moss CS Sonic 2005
David Rodney Carroll Imp, Bubbles, Roddy Sarah Rebecca Robertson INTA Kaos 2006
Matthew Gabriel Morris Zeus Justin David Melvin PTFE Kaos 2012
Jonathan Thomas McAbee-Reher Slinky William Thomas Moss CS Kaos 2007

Initiated January of 2004

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Kenneth Iain MacLeish Two Eyes Ian Ashley Port CS Foos 2007
Ann Elizabeth Moormann Justin David Melvin INTA Kaos 2007
Patrick James Decker Michael Del Powell PHYS Kaos 2007
Stephen Jesse Culpepper Mechasteve Sean Michael Caulfield AE Foos 2007
Evan Christian Rimmel Matthew Gabriel Morris MGMT Kaos 2007
Austin Maillette Klaus Alan Jacob Stoll AE Foos 2009
Elisha Tamar Neumann Tamar Michael Lorenz Mitchell PHYS Kaos 2006

Initiated January of 2005

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Ryan Seto Elisha Tamar Neumann CS Kaos 2008
Matthew Dante Yannetti Mafro Patrick James Decker CS Kaos 2008
Whitney Michelle Rudin Wendy Corey Alan Slate BIO Sonic 2008
Pietro Alexander Pariselli Pete Chad Martin Hansen BIO Kaos 2007
William Thomas Culpepper Tom Austin Maillette Klaus CS Foos 2005
Shiukai Simon Li Nickname Nigel Joseph O’Rear ID Kaos 2005
Jesse “The Body” Scherer Jesse-Joe Benjamin Yuusuke Tripp CS Kaos 2005

Initiated January of 2006

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Eli Christopher Foley Austin Maillette Klaus CS Sonic 2010
Matthew Wesley McCawley Hazmatt Matthew Dante Yannetti CS Kaos 2010
Elijah James O’Rear EJ, Scrumptous Matthew Gabriel Morris CM Kaos 2010
Brian Thomas Ouellette Omelette Whitney Michelle Rudin CompE Sonic 2009
Jessica Ann Frame Red Link Laura Emily King CompE *null* 2007

Initiated August of 2006

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Clinton Derek Weigle Clint, Ash Pietro Alexander Pariselli ME Kaos 2010
Gregory Allen Brown Brian Thomas Ouellette CompE Sonic 2010

Initiated January of 2007

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Travis Ryan Harkleroad Easternaut, Weston, Easton Brian Thomas Ouellette CM Sonic 2010
Enrique Orestes Santos Elijah James O’Rear CS Kaos 2010
Geoffrey Thomas Emmer Geoff Lisa Nicole Jordan BME Kosmos 2010
Christopher Brett Fuller Chris Matthew Wesley McCawley CS Black Lung 2011
Carlos Ivan Isales Kenneth Iain MacLeish CS Foos 2010
Ky-Hyuen Lee Kiwi Hammad Tahir Khan CS Kaos 2011
Anastasia Victoria Frances Nienow Anni, Nova Jessica Ann Frame BME *null* 2011
Weston Robert Packard Matthew Dante Yannetti STAC Kaos 2010
Susan Victoria Queen Squee Gregory Allen Brown CM Sonic 2010
Briand Alessandra Rabideau Science Louis Eusebio Stavrides ME Sonic 2010
Peter Riki Wantanabe Wallaby Elijah James O’Rear CM Kaos 2009

Initiated January of 2008

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Trevor James Register Crossbeams McGee, Wendy, Cash Clinton Derek Weigle PHYS Kaos 2009
Chirley Marie Quillian Austin Mailette Klaus CM Foos 2011
James Robert King III Bobby the Beautiful Bouncing Baby Bible Buttsex Geoffrey Thomas Emmer CS Kosmos 2011
Juan Antonio Morales Eli Christopher Foley ME Sonic 2011
Amy Lynn Stewart Ben 10 Matthew Wesley McCawley CS Black Lung 2011
Andrew Thomas Davis Andy, Randy Dandy Database Geoffrey Thomas Emmer CS Kosmos 2011
Jonathan Michael Paprocki Poprocks Gregory Allen Brown PHYS Sonic 2011
Jay Quincy Belmon Jaywalker Carlos Ivan Isales CM Foos 2011
Jairo Andres Zapata Hiro Enrique Orestes Santos, Jr. Bio-Chemistry Kaos 2011
Alma Delia Castaneda Elmo Anastasia Victoria Frances Nienow Chemistry *null* 2011
Amir Dawood Sattari Brian Thomas Ouellette CM Sonic 2010
David Michael Poore Poor Matthew Dante Yannetti CM Awesome 2010
David Aaron Hollis Hollis Elijah James O’Rear Discrete MATH Kaos 2011

Initiated April of 2008

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Lily Michelle Rappaport Enrique Orestes Santos, Jr. CS Kaos 2011
Michelle Ann Alderman Shelly, Fighting Mongoose Trevor James Register PHYS Kaos 2011
Daniel Gordon Spaniel, Cocker, Danceman Amir Dawood Sattari Applied MATH Sonic 2008

Initiated January of 2009

Name Nickname Big Brother Major House Graduation Date
Jonathan Perez Pez, Hungover Clown Trevor Register CMPE Sonic 2012
Rahmaan Mohammed Lodhia Badger Juan Antonio Morales CMPE Sonic 2012
Jessica Rene Williams Geoffrey Thomas Emmer EE Kosmos 2012
Daniel Joseph Rosmus F’in Dan Jonathan Michael Paprocki CMPE Sonic 2012
Jessica Young Lee Jelee, Jeree, Jereefish Susan Victoria Queen ME Sonic 2012
Lee Hancock Stokes Mr. Bucket Alma Delia Castaneda ME *null* 2012
Julia Marie Sawyer Dumbledore Enrique Orestes Santos, Jr. AE Kaos 2012
Chia-Chun Wu Jim Matthew Wesley McCawley CM Sonic 2012
Matthew George McKenna Ragtime Clinton Derek Weigle ChemE Kaos 2012
Rhys Logan Saraceni Pieces Weston Robert Packard CM Kaos 2012
Kurt Lin Trevor James Register ME Kaos 2012
Joel Alexander Siler Christopher Brett Fuller CS Black Lung 2010
Kenyon Holsey Brian Thomas Ouellette ME Sonic *null*
Edward Short Ed Clinton Derek Weigle Kaos 2009

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