Autumn 1971 Diamond Report
Brother Thomas E. Tuten, ’72, has provided the following report:
The Gamma Tau floated through the spring quarter with the greatest of ease. Academically things were a little slack, but spring fever ran rampant among all students so no great discrepancy was noted. In athletics, the Brothers became the “Cinderella” team of the softball league emerging from a seven-game schedule with a perfect record. Amazing infield play was always noted and the outfield could be counted on to come up with some really incredible plays. Coach Thompson was beside himself as the Gamma Tau rolled to scores of 17-2, 19-5, 20-0, 22-3, behind the excellent pitching of Brother Powell and the timely hitting of Brothers Poweski, Tuten, Vogler, and Baggett. Clearly, the other teams just weren’t in our class. The Brothers look forward to greater glory in the fall.
Rush activities have not been very profitable for the summer with only 110 Freshmen on campus, most of whom are cooperative plan students. Our efforts have been aided ably by Brother Richard Lee Wold, Epsilon Omega ’73, an Atlanta resident who is engaged with rushing several prospects for the Epsilon Omega.
We have high hopes for the fall and wish the best of luck to our fellow Brothers as the new school year begins.