Around the World 2008: List of Countries
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Pictures from Mandie’s camera
Imbibistan |
Entrant: D Sanderson (the form is apparently not bothering to send the “name” field, sorry) |
H.E.L.P.R.s: your mom, probably |
Come one come all!
Through force of arms [Peace Corps], and due to a FRUIT JUICE-soaked resistance force, the great nation of HER MAJESTY’S ROYAL GREAT BRITAIN ENGLAND LAND COUNTRY PLACE, has seized control of an FRUIT JUICE exporting country known to many as “ImbibistanJUICYlandofFRUITYJUICERS” or just Imbibistan.
Our fighting [Settling] force at arms [Peace Corps] was built of mostly Essex based residents who were too poor to live in England with her glorious economy. So those fuckers got sent to Imbibistan.
With them they brought knowledge of many FRUIT JUICEing pastimes, and learn some tricks from the heathen natives as well. |
Comestables:Asta-la-vista Mother F@#$er! (Its fun) |
Game: Essex Poker (Details will be given at party. This is a game for who enjoy a fine glass of juice or four) |
The Black Forest |
Entrant: Ken Crouch, ΓΤ ’02 |
H.E.L.P.R.s: Atari, et al. |
Description: Nestled between the Rhine valley, The Nearby Plains, and the coast, the Black Forest may trigger both the fear of getting one’s ass beaten and one’s fear of bees. |
Comestables: Black Pudding, Black Forest Cake, Black & Tans, etc |
Game: Cobbling Blackberries |
Catalunya |
Entrant: Justin Melvin, ΓΤ ’04 |
H.E.L.P.R.s: Melody Melvin |
Description: Catalunya is an autonomous region of Spain near the border with France. It includes Barcelona, and is fiercely independent of mainland Spanish culture. |
Comestables: chorizo bocadillos and mozzerella balls / cava / insert nonalcoholic beverage here (cafe amb llet?) |
Game: building castles with humans ( |
The Leaky Cauldron |
Entrant: Mandie Smith, ΓΤ ’01 |
H.E.L.P.R.s: Dan Grimaldi, Kaz |
Description: The Leaky Cauldron is a pub and inn for wizards, located on the Muggle street of Charing Cross Road in London, offering food, drinks and rooms to rent. It was founded by Daisy Dodderidge (1467–1555) in 1500 “to serve as a gateway between the non-wizarding world and Diagon Alley.” |
Comestables: Butterbeer, Bangers on a stick, Potions |
Game: Sorting Hat |
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